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Our Story

About BASE Group


We run an amazingly diverse painting company that uses rope access as its primary access method of attainment. We travel the country seeking out the iconic structures of each town in need of protection. We pride ourselves on continually pushing standards and going where no company would dare to go to protect the iconic structures of America. 
In 2007 The BASE Group was founded by a full-time sponsored ice climber, Rich Purnell, when he realized he could make money hanging at the end of a rope painting tall iconic structures. Rich started his fledgling business painting a few small buildings in Denver by himself. Little did he know that owners would seek his skills nationwide within a few years. Today, the company paints iconic structures like State Capitol Buildings, Roller Coasters, and Stadiums nationwide from coast to coast.
Now 15 years later, we have worked nationwide on unique projects and won several awards from industry leaders. We are one of the few companies to specialize in painting projects that are seemingly inaccessible and difficult, places most contractors will only dare to go. Painting of the inconvenient, we proudly paint where no one else will work with commitment, assurance, and precision.



painting forward


© 2024 by The BASE Group, inc

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